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Social networks

Marina Gotsens

Social Networks

I've  chosen to  be the responsible of social networks.

​Júlia Nerín

Manager of the social network and also in the commercials team. 

Social network and commercial


Anna Vilella


I love design and I'm one of the persons in charge of the designing sections.

Èlia Capdevila

Design and seeker

I'm  responsible of the design, including the logo, website editing, and other creative work. I am also a seeker.

Gemma Orteu

Design logo and website

Responsible for editing and designing the logo and company website. 


Albert Capdevila


Responsible for creating and designing the application which will be used as an educational way in India via phones and other devices collected only  to do the project mentioned above.

Manel López


I'm in charge, together with two of my classmates, of creating the app that makes the indian children play, enjoy and learn. 

Carles Planella


I'm the  responsible of the creation and  design of the educative  app for the Indian children for helping them to learn.

Public relations

Public institutions

Júlia Vilà

Public (council) and seeker

I have to talk with councils, introduce our project and find companies that assist us.

Judit Vives

Public (council)

Responsible to present our ideas and present our project to the delegations of Barcelona, Lleida...

Núria Llobet

Social Networks and Public

Responsible of social networks and I am also going to present our project to the different delegations, the embassy and the consulate.​

Neus Roca

Social Media Manager and Public

Manager of the  social networks and spokeswoman for the project to various local administrations, embassies and consulate.

Public (School)


Carla Sarlé
Jordi Valero

Social networks and get in touch with school

I'm one of the responsibles of   social networks and I also go to schools to talk with children.

 Public Relations and Assistant

I am in charge of public relationships or going to schools, I'm also able to help in all the necessary sections.

Judit Collell
Jordi Capdevila

Public (School)

I'm one of the responsibles of presenting our project to the children from the schools.

In charge of presenting our project to local schools.

Roger Verdés

I'm the responsible of presenting our project to the John XXIII school and talking to their teachers.

 Public (school)

Coraima Buzón

 Public (school)

I am in charge of going to the schools to get information about the syllabus they are working in order to make our app.


F. Solans

ICT assistant

I'm encharged of facillitating ICT tools for the different areas of our company. Also I'm the one who links all areas.


Do you want to help us?
Contact with us

Tel: 973-142-700

Fax: 973-142-712

Dr. Trueta s/n

25400 Les Borges Blanques

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© 2016/17

Ins Josep Vallverdú

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